Wednesday 25 July 2012

The Heart

The heart is actually a muscle and an organ at the same time. The hart as well as the brain the most important body parts. The Heart pumps blood and oxygen  through arteries and blood returing from the heart comes through  veins.

Cardiology is the the study of the heart. Doctors who study it are called cardiologists.

Fun fact

The heart weighs about 10.5 ounces.  Also, the heart is covered in a  liquid filled sack called the pericardium.

My person from the 60's

This term it is our productoin. All the senior classes will have a decade to work with. Our classes decade was the 60's. We get to pick a famous person from the 60's and that will be who we will be      in the production.

                               My person was Jackie Kennedy and here is a picture of her

Tuesday 24 July 2012

Hi every one

Hi, welcome to my blog, its my second one this year because our first one was deleted.
I hope you enjoy it,
P.S please feed my virtual pets