Sunday 26 August 2012

10 facts on the building of the Berlin Wall

Here are some extreme facts on the Berlin wall

☝ There were two sides to Germay, East Germany, the communists, and West Germany. The berlin wall was a wall built to stop people from escaping East Germany.

☝ Constructoin on the wall started on 13 August 1961. There were many protests about the wall           seperating germany.
☝ Many people tried to escape East Germany, but due to the large ammount of guards, it was impossible to get over there. Over 136 people died trying to escape.

☝ John F. Kennedy and Ronald Regan both visited Germany while the wall was still up, and both wrote speeches wanting the wall to come down.

☝ On the 19 November 1989 the East Germany goverment declaired that "Permanent relocations can be done through the border checkpoints between East and South Germany."

☝ After that announcement, people rushed to the check points to greet family that they hadn't seen in nearly three decads

☝ People chipped away at the wall to get a piece of it as a memior.

☝ The Berlin Wall was up for 28 years and had come as a shock for people, as the work started without any announcements whatsoever.

☝ If you happened to be on the other side of the wall that night, that would be your home for the next 28 years!

☝ There have been many heroic escapes from East Berlin, and I will tell you about one: Two 18 year old boys planned on scaling the wall. Their plan was simple, run up, then climb. The first man made it , but Peter Fecher was not so lucky. Just before he got to the wall, a guard started shooting. He kept climbing, but just before he reached the top, he collapsed. Peter toppled down, back into East Germany. The guards just left him to bleed to death.

1 comment:

  1. Excellent research Jessica and you information has been written and presented in a way that we can easily read and understand. It seems strange doesn't it that the wall could have been put up so quickly and that people let it happened, or that they didn't have a choice about it. It is scary to look back at history at the horrible things that have been allowed to happen in the world, and that are in fact, still happening around the world.
    Thanks for sharing your research with us! You are a blogger extraordinaire!
