Friday 10 August 2012

The Olympic Opening Ceremony

This week for homework we had to write about or favourite bit in the London 2012 Olympic opening ceremoney, this is what I did:

The making of the olympic rings

Forged in ‘The Isles of wonder’, the olympic rings were still burning hot steel circles rising up into the sky. The sound of aplause rising higher and higher along with the rings. Down below, metal workers were still hard at work, making the last of the 5 olympic rings. A loud voice boomed out of the speakers and there was a hush as the audience fell silent...

James Bond and the Queen

“Mr bond?” a voice echoed through the room. James Bond stood there silently as the figure turned around. Then for a few seconds it was silent, mouths fell open and eyes widened.
“Yes your royal highness,” Bond replied, “Are you ready?”
James Bond and the Queen made their way to an awaiting helicopter. James clambered in and then helped the Queen up into the immense machine. The helicopters wings started to to turn, faster and faster until  was lifted up into the air. Then the clip stopped...
 This time, it was dark and the Queen and Bond were hovering up in the night sky. Bond nodded and the Queen briskly strode to the door at the end of the helicopter. No, it can’t be, it almost looked as though the Queen would jump off the helicopter; but that was Bond’s job, wasn’t it?
To Be continued...      

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