Sunday 12 August 2012

What it would be like to be as my mum

My mum is an amazing person, and is always so calm, even when my brothers and I are being very, very annoying, like we always are. So I wondered, what it may be like to be a mother.
Here are some ideas,

♡  Our bedrooms, my bedroom is always soo messey, how do mums cope?
♡  Mothers are always doing house hold chores, dishes, vacuming ect.
♡  Coping with our tantrums, I'm sure all of us throw big tantrums every so often and when we do,     our mums are always there to calm us down.
♡  Mums also have to look after our dads, my mum says dads are just like children. 
♡  As well as husbands and children, women also have to look after themselves.

Being a mother must be very stressful, so I think that we should hep our parents by, doing chores, not throwing so many tantrums and many more.


  1. I love this post Jess! Has your mum read it? I think she would be very proud of you and your sentiments. You made me laugh when your wrote that your mum think dads are just like children!

  2. Really enjoyed reading your thoughts on mothering. I am sure your mother will be delighted to have such a thoughtful, daughter!

  3. I like the way you can put yourself into your mum's shoes. What a lucky mum to have such a thoughtful daughter! Keep up the writing Jessica.
    From Miss Fredrickson

  4. You are so right about how Mums multi-task! Just as well your Mum has you as her daughter - that would make it all worthwhile :)
